I have to start saying that this wasn´t a good year for me.The change of life has been so difficult to face.With part of my family far away I felt alone and helpless,also my economic status was dificult and the level I have in compare with my classmates it is low.Those are not excuses but it is true that it hard to make the things right when you have trouble and those gave me more than one headache.I have already failed two subjects ,I abandoned one and there is another that really worries me.
I made my entire highschool in La Paz ,Bolivia and the educational level it is really lower that here in Chile.There isn´t actually a selection system like the PSU, people just go to the University and say "I want to study that...How much do I have to pay?"...so schools don´t prepare students for something bigger than that.I didn´t took the PSU,I got in with another exam,one that it is special for people with studies in other countries.It is easier to get in here...but so hard to continue.So if the first year it is hard ,it has been twices hard for me.
On the other hand the changes in the career have difficult more the life of a physical therapy student.The people in charge leave us with too many hours of classes , more than usual for a university student and almost no hours for studying, resting and even sleeping.That made us all tired,we have felt asleep in classes so many times and that is reflected on the grades,al least on mine.The second semester has been better but when you are dragging subjects from the beginning it is almost impossible to catch the rest of the students.
In general this academic year has been bad,I have to many failed subject,very low grades in almost everything,lots of missed classes,the need of a new study method,things I did not understood ,and with all of that I have already delayed one year.But it is better if I see it on the positive way...one year it is just one year,it is nothing!!!... when you have finally found what you want to do for the rest of your life...your true calling.
viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009
viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009
money money money!!!

hi to everyone there!.....I hope you had a great week....
So, today we must talk about money....
I actually consider money like a necesary evil .I don´t like it, and I don´t like when people revolve their lives around money.But it is something that we really need, without it we couldn´t eat ,get dressed ,buy some basic things ,we couldn´t even study.I think that for money people can show not the worse but bad things from their selfs, but everyone including me wants to have it! I´m constantly needing money ,most of the time to travel and see my mother,sister,my friends ....and my precious little dog called Celeste ...(I have already talked you about it)
Speaking of the management of money...I was very good at it and I could spaare a lot of money , but this year the things had change I think ... cause when I have some I get the feeling that it flies out of my hands, I just can´t make it last.
Something really funny hapends all the time with a friend of mine .When she has money I don´t ,and when I have money she doesn´t have any.So it is a constant borrowing, but we allways pay each other!...so that is not a problem really.
Now. about teaching the management of money in schools....I really think it is a great idea...I think that is better than learn it at home cause what happends with parents who doesn´t know how to do it? at the end they raise children with the same problem with money that they have and the vicious cycle continues...
Well, I don´t know what else about money...maybe I can talk you about my bank...I´m with the Santander Bank ...with the Vista account thay provide to the university....I think many of us has the same account.I got it because it is very convenient for the students , we don´t have to pay at all...all the paperwork for having it is in the university so we don´t have to move anywhere..it is very easy for us...
Ok folks !!!....I can´t say anything else about money..take care and see you next time!
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
the Faculty

Hi to everyone there!
Well , today we must talk about our Faculty, exactly about improves and changes that we would make on it.
The firt thing that I would improve (seeing it from my own experience)are the benefits ,like credits and scholarships for people who comes from other countries just to study in this university, because we don´t have the MINEDUC benefits and there is some people who really needs them.Not everyone who comes outlands has money to pay every month almost 250.000 ,it is just too much and with the interest if you don´t pay it is something from another world.I think the university could see the way to make a credit or a scolarship for this students´s dues al least for the first year.From the second year we have the posibility of getting the Estate credit.
In the academic I don´t see anything that needs a change.
More superficialy speaking I think that the "Plaza Blest" should not be closed because it is our place to relax here in the university and the trigger incident for the close of it wasn´t fault of the students from this faculty, so I think it is unfair that we are paying now the consecuences.It´s true that is dificult to control the intake of alcohol on students but if the faculty only punishes the problematic student instead that all the students I think that would be a better result.
Ok …I think it´s everything for today and I hope you have a great weekend….see you!!!
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

Hi there folks!!! Today we have a free blog and I must say that I had problems to find my topic. After a half hour I found it...I´m gonna talk about something that I really love...the beautiful and tender creatures who deserved our love and compasion......our pets!!! I love all animals, especially dogs and everytime I see one under the rain and wet it makes me sad...I would like to take it with me but do you imagine?...with the years I would have my house now full of animals and that would be a mess. I´ve had a lot of animals in my entire life and now a have a beautiful female dog called "Celeste" because she has one light blue eye.It supose she is the mix between a cocker spaniel and a poodle but I really don´t know it for sure.She has white and disheveled hair and she is the greatest thing that I have. Sadly she doesn´t live with me here in Santiago,she is with my mother in Bolivia.
Well,I think that all the people should take care of animals,cause they feel just like us ,and they are so cute!!
Here is a video of my little dog princess..I hope you will see it ....have a grat week..byeee!!!
viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

Hello folks!!!
Today I must talk about the places I would take a friend who is coming for the very first time here and obviusly doesn´t know the city.
First I would take them to the "Plaza de Armas"and all the places around it... like the Cathedral or the museum "Casa Colorada".Then we would go to the "Paseo Ahumada" and all the center of the city. We would also go through the Lastarria street and I would show them a beautifull house covered with ivy ,that I really like. After that we would go for a delicius ice cream to the "Emporio La Rosa",there are a variety of exotic and rare flavors like rose,pepper/chocolate,ulmo honey, ginger/orange and others.
I would love to take them to the San Cristobal hill and of course to the zoo , I really like these places so that would be very nice....and the zoo....I love the zoo...all those animals ..I love it!!! :D
In the night I would take them to Bellavista neightborhood ,I think it is the best place for having a party...there a lot of restaurants so you can eat great stuffs too ...there are pubs, karaokes,bars and discotheques one after another and you can have a really great time.
ok friends .......so...see you next week....take care...bye!!!
Today I must talk about the places I would take a friend who is coming for the very first time here and obviusly doesn´t know the city.
First I would take them to the "Plaza de Armas"and all the places around it... like the Cathedral or the museum "Casa Colorada".Then we would go to the "Paseo Ahumada" and all the center of the city. We would also go through the Lastarria street and I would show them a beautifull house covered with ivy ,that I really like. After that we would go for a delicius ice cream to the "Emporio La Rosa",there are a variety of exotic and rare flavors like rose,pepper/chocolate,ulmo honey, ginger/orange and others.
I would love to take them to the San Cristobal hill and of course to the zoo , I really like these places so that would be very nice....and the zoo....I love the zoo...all those animals ..I love it!!! :D
In the night I would take them to Bellavista neightborhood ,I think it is the best place for having a party...there a lot of restaurants so you can eat great stuffs too ...there are pubs, karaokes,bars and discotheques one after another and you can have a really great time.
ok friends .......so...see you next week....take care...bye!!!
viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Hi there again!
Today we are gonna write about music, so I will tell you what kind of music I like and what I don´t. I hope you enjoy it!
I have to start saying that I love music. I really feel that is like my fuel. I sing since I was little and I also play a little bit of guitar.My family is also close to music, my mother plays the piano,accordion, harp, guitar and charango too!!and one of my sisters sings and teaches music.
In general I like any kind of music except for "raeggeton" and "cumbia villera"...they are ok for dancing but just for a little while.I don´t like raeggeton because I think the rythm is too basic,the interpreters don´t have quality as singers and can´t play any instrument cause they just don´t know how and the lyrics are empty. :D
The music I listen depends on my emotional status ,I like rock and metal even when it doesn´t look like.I like spanish rock ,ballads,and I love salsa cause I think it´s perfect for dancing.
I like bands like Iron Maiden,Judas Priest ,Opeth ,Nightwish, Evanescence, Jarabe de palo, Soda stereo , Voz veis and interpreters like Kelly Clarkson, Leona Lewis ,Christina Aguilera , and Marc Antony just to name some artists.
As you can see I love music in general!!!
Ok folks I hope you have a great week and enjoy the free afternoons we have because of the olimpic week
martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

hi everyone!!!!.....today we must talk about the transantiago.....how was the colective transport and how is it now...
I actually can´t tell too much about the before of it......cause I wasn´t here...I only have a few memories of the trasport when I was a kid...I remember that the subway was almost empty,that you had to buy a ticket and put it on the machine and when you got in the train you had space enough so if you wanted to, you could have choose between all the sits there were. Now.........there is so much different ,the tickets were replace for the bip cards and the space is an utopic thing ,you have to push the people and the prople pushes you...we have bacame literaly sheeps...about the buses I don´t know ...I didn´t used them so much in the past....now I do everyday and it doesn´t bother me ,the only thing that it makes me unconfortable is again ....the space...but you can still find an "empty" one , it really depends on the hour.....
ok folks that is all for today ,I hope you have a nice week and enjoy the 18th september ,this breaks are for having fun, go dancing ,also sleep and relaxing....take care!!!
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